Library Program Room Policy*
Information about renting the Library Program Room. Applications available at the Circulation Desk.
For more information call 503-873-5173.
The Silver Falls Library District makes its program room available primarily for presentation of Library-sponsored programs. When the program room is not being used by the Library or the Friends of the Library, then the District will open the space for rental to all persons or groups for meetings or purposes consistent with the laws of the State of Oregon, ordinances of the City of Silverton, and Library policies. In so doing, the District neither approves nor disapproves of any viewpoint expressed by the users of the room. The Library does not endorse any goods or services, makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information which may be presented, and assumes no liability for the quality or safety of any goods or services which may be the subject of meetings or programs. The room is scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
The following policy shall apply to all users except for the Library and Friends of the Library.
A. Reservations must be made by submitting a completed “Library Program Room Use Application” to the Silver Falls Library Circulation Desk, 410 South Water Street, Silverton, Oregon, whenever the Library is open. Copies of this policy will be provided to each applicant at the time the reservation is made. Applications may be submitted up to three months in advance. The program room may be rented no more than four times per year for any person or group not sponsored by the Library. Any exceptions are at the discretion of the Library Director. The room is scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
B. Use by Minors. The applicant must be of legal age. Groups composed of minors must be supervised by one (1) adult (21 or older) for every fifteen (15) children/youths while using the program room. Library staff will not be held responsible for the supervision of children.
C. Fees and deposits must be paid in full at the time that the reservation is made. The program room use fee schedule and required deposit are as follows:
1. A single use fee based on hours of use and residence:
Note: Hours, for purposes of calculation of use fee, include set-up time and clean-up time. The users will not have access to the program room prior to the time they have reserved. At the end of the reserved time, the room should be completely ready for use by the next users. Rental hours are indicated on the Room Use Application; should the building not be vacated at the agreed-upon time, additional rent plus custodial time will be charged.
2. A non-refundable $20.00 cleaning fee if any kind of food or beverage will be available during the rental of the room.
3. a $50.00 refundable damage/cleaning deposit. A separate damage/cleaning deposit check must accompany all applications and rental payments. Following the use of the program room, deposit checks may be picked up at the Silver Falls Library Circulation Desk during normal Library operating hours.
D. Full refunds of fees and deposits for reservations require three weeks advanced notice in writing. The reservation is not transferable. Advance notice of twenty-four hours is required if the event is cancelled. Cancellations made less than three weeks before use may be subject to forfeiture of fees.
E. Meetings and programs must be free and open to the public. All meetings or programs held in the Library must be free and open to the public. Facilities will not be made available for meetings that are by membership or invitation, or where admission is charged or money raised. The exchange of money for goods or services is prohibited on the premises, except by the Library or the Friends of the Library.
F. Capacity. The number of people in the program room cannot exceed forty-nine (49).
G. Decorations. Decorations shall not be put up without prior approval by the Library. Decorations must not be attached to the walls or the ceiling. Standing on the furniture is prohibited. A ladder is available upon request. Use of confetti, rice, or glitter in the building is prohibited. Birdseed may be used outside the building only. With the exception of birdseed, the surrounding area must be left clean and trash-free. Use of candles or other flammable material is prohibited.
H. Refreshments. Library meeting rooms are not designed for the cooking of meals. If refreshments are to be served, the Library should be informed at the time the reservation is made. No alcoholic beverages may be served. No food shall be left in the building.
I. No Smoking. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the library including the program room.
J. Cleaning and Damage. Users shall assume responsibility for cleaning up and for any damage to Library property or the facility, including any theft, breakage, staining or damage. All inventory is provided for the renter’s convenience. The renter is responsible for its use and safekeeping. Under no circumstances are chairs, tables, or other equipment to be removed from the building. Renters are responsible for cleaning up all decorations. The room must be left thoroughly cleaned and free of trash. The Library may assess charges for damage or cleaning
K. Room Set-up. Users are responsible for setting up the room prior to their event and returning the room to the posted setting afterward. Tables and other inventory used by the renter shall be cleaned and returned to their proper locations.
L. Personal Belongings. Equipment, supplies, or other products belonging to private groups may not be stored in the facility or on the Library grounds prior to or after the applicant’s function. The Library assumes no responsibility for personal belongings.
M. Non-disruptive. The Library expects organizations to be considerate of library patrons and activities. The Library Director or her/his designee has the power to terminate any meeting disruptive to Library operations. Any group asked by the Library to leave the building during their event because of violations of the rules as stated or disruption of library operations will forfeit their rental fees and deposit.
N. Disclaimer. The Library will post a disclaimer stating that the Library does not endorse any goods or services, makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information, and assumes no liability for the quality or safety of any goods or services which may be the subject of meetings.
O. Publicity or Public Notice. Any publicity or public notice for events not sponsored by the Library must contain the statement that this is not a library-sponsored event.
P. Library’s Rights. The Library shall have the right to cancel a reservation prior to use and return the rental fee and deposit. The Library reserves the right to make additional conditions for use prior to approval of a room use application.
Q. Deviations from the above policies will jeopardize future access to the facilities.
*Revised June 24, 2014
For more information call 503-873-5173.
The Silver Falls Library District makes its program room available primarily for presentation of Library-sponsored programs. When the program room is not being used by the Library or the Friends of the Library, then the District will open the space for rental to all persons or groups for meetings or purposes consistent with the laws of the State of Oregon, ordinances of the City of Silverton, and Library policies. In so doing, the District neither approves nor disapproves of any viewpoint expressed by the users of the room. The Library does not endorse any goods or services, makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information which may be presented, and assumes no liability for the quality or safety of any goods or services which may be the subject of meetings or programs. The room is scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
The following policy shall apply to all users except for the Library and Friends of the Library.
A. Reservations must be made by submitting a completed “Library Program Room Use Application” to the Silver Falls Library Circulation Desk, 410 South Water Street, Silverton, Oregon, whenever the Library is open. Copies of this policy will be provided to each applicant at the time the reservation is made. Applications may be submitted up to three months in advance. The program room may be rented no more than four times per year for any person or group not sponsored by the Library. Any exceptions are at the discretion of the Library Director. The room is scheduled on a first come, first served basis.
B. Use by Minors. The applicant must be of legal age. Groups composed of minors must be supervised by one (1) adult (21 or older) for every fifteen (15) children/youths while using the program room. Library staff will not be held responsible for the supervision of children.
C. Fees and deposits must be paid in full at the time that the reservation is made. The program room use fee schedule and required deposit are as follows:
1. A single use fee based on hours of use and residence:
- up to & including 4 hours and Library District Resident, $20.00
- up to & including 4 hours and Non-District Resident, $40.00
- more than 4 hours (in one day) and Library District Resident, $50.00
- more than 4 hours (in one day) and Non-District Resident, $100.00
Note: Hours, for purposes of calculation of use fee, include set-up time and clean-up time. The users will not have access to the program room prior to the time they have reserved. At the end of the reserved time, the room should be completely ready for use by the next users. Rental hours are indicated on the Room Use Application; should the building not be vacated at the agreed-upon time, additional rent plus custodial time will be charged.
2. A non-refundable $20.00 cleaning fee if any kind of food or beverage will be available during the rental of the room.
3. a $50.00 refundable damage/cleaning deposit. A separate damage/cleaning deposit check must accompany all applications and rental payments. Following the use of the program room, deposit checks may be picked up at the Silver Falls Library Circulation Desk during normal Library operating hours.
D. Full refunds of fees and deposits for reservations require three weeks advanced notice in writing. The reservation is not transferable. Advance notice of twenty-four hours is required if the event is cancelled. Cancellations made less than three weeks before use may be subject to forfeiture of fees.
E. Meetings and programs must be free and open to the public. All meetings or programs held in the Library must be free and open to the public. Facilities will not be made available for meetings that are by membership or invitation, or where admission is charged or money raised. The exchange of money for goods or services is prohibited on the premises, except by the Library or the Friends of the Library.
F. Capacity. The number of people in the program room cannot exceed forty-nine (49).
G. Decorations. Decorations shall not be put up without prior approval by the Library. Decorations must not be attached to the walls or the ceiling. Standing on the furniture is prohibited. A ladder is available upon request. Use of confetti, rice, or glitter in the building is prohibited. Birdseed may be used outside the building only. With the exception of birdseed, the surrounding area must be left clean and trash-free. Use of candles or other flammable material is prohibited.
H. Refreshments. Library meeting rooms are not designed for the cooking of meals. If refreshments are to be served, the Library should be informed at the time the reservation is made. No alcoholic beverages may be served. No food shall be left in the building.
I. No Smoking. Smoking is prohibited in all areas of the library including the program room.
J. Cleaning and Damage. Users shall assume responsibility for cleaning up and for any damage to Library property or the facility, including any theft, breakage, staining or damage. All inventory is provided for the renter’s convenience. The renter is responsible for its use and safekeeping. Under no circumstances are chairs, tables, or other equipment to be removed from the building. Renters are responsible for cleaning up all decorations. The room must be left thoroughly cleaned and free of trash. The Library may assess charges for damage or cleaning
K. Room Set-up. Users are responsible for setting up the room prior to their event and returning the room to the posted setting afterward. Tables and other inventory used by the renter shall be cleaned and returned to their proper locations.
L. Personal Belongings. Equipment, supplies, or other products belonging to private groups may not be stored in the facility or on the Library grounds prior to or after the applicant’s function. The Library assumes no responsibility for personal belongings.
M. Non-disruptive. The Library expects organizations to be considerate of library patrons and activities. The Library Director or her/his designee has the power to terminate any meeting disruptive to Library operations. Any group asked by the Library to leave the building during their event because of violations of the rules as stated or disruption of library operations will forfeit their rental fees and deposit.
N. Disclaimer. The Library will post a disclaimer stating that the Library does not endorse any goods or services, makes no representation as to the accuracy of the information, and assumes no liability for the quality or safety of any goods or services which may be the subject of meetings.
O. Publicity or Public Notice. Any publicity or public notice for events not sponsored by the Library must contain the statement that this is not a library-sponsored event.
P. Library’s Rights. The Library shall have the right to cancel a reservation prior to use and return the rental fee and deposit. The Library reserves the right to make additional conditions for use prior to approval of a room use application.
Q. Deviations from the above policies will jeopardize future access to the facilities.
*Revised June 24, 2014