Board Meeting Minutes 12/03/2024 (html)
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
SILVER FALLS LIBRARY DISTRICTSilver Falls Library Program Room
410 S. Water St., Silverton, Oregon
Board Members Present: Staff Present:
Ingrid Donnerstag Christy Davis, Director
Megan Smith Stacy Higby
Nancy Miller
Michelle Sanguinetti Public Present:
Board Members Absent:
Dmitry White
Vice-Chair Donnerstag called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m.
No changes.
Question – Was the press release about the solar planning project published in Our Town? It will be in the Dec 15th issue.
Motion: To approve the October 22, 2024 Board Meeting minutes as printed/circulated
(Motion by: Megan Smith., Second by: Michelle Sanguinetti).
Vote: Unanimously in favor.
The Board received and reviewed the following reports:
Motion: To approve the OCTOBER 2024 Financial Report as presented, including checks #17858 through and including #17888, and all EFTs, for a total of $100,613.64.
(Motion by: Nancy Miller, Second by: Ingrid Donnerstag).
Vote: Unanimously in favor.
Called into session at 5:40 p.m. as per ORS 192.660(2e).
The Board discussed the parking lot negotiations with the City.
Executive Session ended at 6:46 and the regular Board Meeting was resumed.
The Board instructed the Director to get updated quotes for paving, striping, lighting and other needs for the north parking lot and to submit the Amerititle report to the City Manager with the information gathered from the updated quotes.
1. C-REP Grant – Review of RFP, report on community engagement
Director Davis reported on the following:
Good things:
Beginning January meeting, discuss and review section one of Oregon Public Library Standards document (for due diligence and to inform potential future Strategic Plan)
Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m.
(Motion by: Michelle Sanguinetti. Second by: Ingrid Donnerstag).
Vote: Unanimously in favor.
The next Library Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. in the library program room.
Approved: _________________________(date)
Ingrid Donnerstag
Vice-Chair, Library Board of Directors
Silver Falls Library District
SILVER FALLS LIBRARY DISTRICTSilver Falls Library Program Room
410 S. Water St., Silverton, Oregon
Board Members Present: Staff Present:
Ingrid Donnerstag Christy Davis, Director
Megan Smith Stacy Higby
Nancy Miller
Michelle Sanguinetti Public Present:
Board Members Absent:
Dmitry White
Vice-Chair Donnerstag called the meeting to order at 5:36 p.m.
No changes.
Question – Was the press release about the solar planning project published in Our Town? It will be in the Dec 15th issue.
Motion: To approve the October 22, 2024 Board Meeting minutes as printed/circulated
(Motion by: Megan Smith., Second by: Michelle Sanguinetti).
Vote: Unanimously in favor.
The Board received and reviewed the following reports:
- Statement of Assets, Liabilities, and Fund Balances (as of October 31, 2024)
- General Fund Statement of Cash Receipts (as of October 31, 2024)
- General Fund Statement of Cash Disbursements (as of October 31, 2024)
- Check Register – Citizen’s Bank (October 1-31, 2024)
- LGIP Account Statement (as of October 31, 2024)
- Purchase Order – Visa (closing date September 20, 2024)
- Purchase Order – Visa (closing date October 21, 2024)
- Journal Entries (as of October 31, 2024)
Motion: To approve the OCTOBER 2024 Financial Report as presented, including checks #17858 through and including #17888, and all EFTs, for a total of $100,613.64.
(Motion by: Nancy Miller, Second by: Ingrid Donnerstag).
Vote: Unanimously in favor.
Called into session at 5:40 p.m. as per ORS 192.660(2e).
The Board discussed the parking lot negotiations with the City.
Executive Session ended at 6:46 and the regular Board Meeting was resumed.
The Board instructed the Director to get updated quotes for paving, striping, lighting and other needs for the north parking lot and to submit the Amerititle report to the City Manager with the information gathered from the updated quotes.
1. C-REP Grant – Review of RFP, report on community engagement
- Christy found a template and completed the RFP, taking all the recommendations from Megan, Nancy, and Michelle, including the not-to-exceed language in the Terms and Conditions.
- After speaking to Jason Knaus at ODOE, Christy learned that we don’t need to get additional community stakeholder input before sending out the RFP, but will continue to meet with community stakeholders during the Planning Grant process. That input will be included in the Construction Grant application, and the quarterly Planning Grant reports.
- Christy met with Marion County Emergency Management virtually regarding extreme weather events and the community’s needs during those events and got good information.
- The City offered to scan our blueprints for us to include as attachments.
- Question – Do we have to accept the lowest bid? No, there are scoring criteria and points are given for items other than cost. The amount we have been granted is all we have, so bids will have to come in below that amount.
- We will show any contract to an attorney before proceeding.
- We will post the press release in the Library newsletter this week.
Director Davis reported on the following:
Good things:
- Wi-Fi hotspots are now circulating. We have also seen an uptick in the use of our Cultural Passes so the mentions in our newsletter and Our Town have been effective.
- We have purchased a new, updated Wi-Fi device that will allow us to accurately count our number of unique logins and number of users. It is currently being configured by City of Woodburn IT.
- Tina and our Spanish speaking employee Shawna went all around town to every Spanish language affiliated business and dropped of flyers (in Spanish) about our services. One restaurant owner was so excited that she came in and got a library card the next day.
- In November, we made 48 new library cards, bringing our total to date to 917. Last year we made 1,027 cards for the year. While I doubt we’ll make or exceed that number this year, I do imagine that we’ll be close, and this is truly an admirable annual number of new users in our District.
- Tomorrow, I am renting a U-Haul, and along with two helpers, we are picking up two matching glass-fronted bookcases from a private seller (who happens to be a librarian) in Beaverton. These cases will likely provide us with our display needs for the archival book collection. They may need to be refinished but we have someone for that in the event it is needed. We’ve worked over the last couple of days to shift books and some furnishings in the reference area to make room for the new furniture. For the last several years, a local donor has given money to our Friends of the Library for the purpose of buying such furnishings. The Friends will be reimbursing me for the bookcases, new locks for them, U-Haul rental, gas, helpers, and, if needed, refinishing.
- Tomorrow we’re receiving our annual holiday tree. Over the past several months, patrons have come in and made paper and book-based ornaments for the library’s tree. This is a completely new thing for us and we’re curious to see how it turns out.
- This week we received a letter from SDAO stating that we will be awarded a $2,500.00 grant to offset the cost of adding parking lot lighting. The last estimate for this expenditure was $6,500.00 from Rite-Way but could be more by the time we do the installation.
- We are going to have to move all our document files to a Microsoft Cloud Server as CCRLS is giving us only one more year to be hosted on their physical server. They themselves are going cloud-based and they’re not going to carry us with them. We were the only library storing files on a CCRLS server. This is because all the other libraries in the cooperative are part of municipalities with an IT department that also serves the library. The City of Woodburn IT department will help us with file migration in the new year. Apart from the fees we’ll have to pay for the migration work, I’m not certain what other costs will be incurred with cloud storage.
- Over a year ago, SDAO opted out of the workman’s compensation piece of their insurance and all special districts went over to SAIF. Last month, we had our first employee claim with SAIF (State Account Insurance Fund) and it has been quite a different experience. In November, a person on staff pulled a muscle during a routine task. There was a flurry of emails and phone calls and forms between us and SAIF. As the person was only out for 3 days, there was no wage make-up for them. The Oregon Revised Statutes stipulate that there is no wage makeup during the 3-day waiting period except in the events of hospitalization or death. The employee must also go to a doctor of SAIF’s choosing, in Portland, for an independent medical examination for the purpose of SAIF determining the nature of the injury. For better or for worse, there is way more process than we had with SDIS.
- This week we said goodbye to employee Ando Ratsimbazafy as he had to move out of state. We were really sad to see him go. Today, to fill that vacated position, we welcomed a new employee Damion Rufino. Damion has experience working at Salem Public Library, so we won’t have to train him on the integrated library system, just the particulars of our library. The other great news is that Damion also speaks Spanish, so we now have two Spanish speakers on staff.
- Once again, the interest rate for the Local Government Investment Pool has dropped. This time it went from 5.0% to 4.85%. The change went into effect November 29th.
- We awarded the contract for the new mini-study conference area, and the soundproofing of the existing one, to New Dawning Construction. We created a scoring system and awarded it to the contractor with the highest score. I will be meeting Dawn and her husband Danny this Saturday at 3pm. They will work until 7. They will start work again on Sunday at 10am and we’ll figure out from there how long they will work. They will come back on Monday and have any work wrapped up by the time we open at 2pm. We’re not yet sure if they will be able to complete the project in one weekend, although it seems unlikely.
- We are in the middle of an insurance claim with Special District Insurance Services (SDIS) and we are not sure where that claim is currently. Due to the misfortune of having two different roofers use their two different types of roofing materials up to the edges of each other’s work, this becomes complicated to ascertain fault. It is of course along the seam of where these two different types of roofing material converge that the leakage occurs. Both Valley (still under warranty) who did the membrane roof on the older part of the library, and Pfeifer (no longer under warranty) who did the shingled pitch roof have been out to look and to work. They have each pointed to the work of the other company as the problem. Meanwhile the roof has stopped leaking but we’re not certain which company’s work exactly stopped the leak. We’ve not yet received a bill and we’ve also heard nothing from the adjuster at SDIS for well over a week. As part of the claim – if the monetary amount of damages indicates we should pursue one - we will need a contractor to replace some stained ceiling tiles that are too far gone to just paint.
- We had an additional leak over the weekend when one of the hoses in the HVAC system in the attic came loose and stained another tile.
- The Library’s Holiday Party is on Monday night, December 16th at 6pm. Please RSVP to Stacy.
- The director used 2 hours of sick leave in October and 11.5 hours of sick leave in November. In October she used 38.5 hours of vacation time and none in November.
Beginning January meeting, discuss and review section one of Oregon Public Library Standards document (for due diligence and to inform potential future Strategic Plan)
Motion: To adjourn the meeting at 7:34 p.m.
(Motion by: Michelle Sanguinetti. Second by: Ingrid Donnerstag).
Vote: Unanimously in favor.
The next Library Board meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, January 28, 2025 at 5:30 p.m. in the library program room.
Approved: _________________________(date)
Ingrid Donnerstag
Vice-Chair, Library Board of Directors
Silver Falls Library District